Thursday, June 28, 2012


I could never give up MY cereal.
I could never give up MY triscits.
I could never give up MY rice.
I could never give up MY ice cream.
I could never give up MY non-fat sugar free soy mochalatamacha latte!

Screw you and this "Paleo" you speak of!  It's IMPOSSIBLE!

Yup... I've heard it a million times.  I've said it a million times in my pre-paleo days (remember I was a cheese quesadilla, easy mac, betty crocker dinner in a box eating vegetarian just two short years ago).

Today I shall step off my soap box and appeal to a lot more people than I normally do.  I'll say the popular thing that people want to hear.  Do not fear, I am not sacrificing my dignity, for what I shall say next is truth that I cannot deny.

Do what works for you guys.  I'm so happy you are reading my paleo blog but don't feel cornered by my writing in thinking that it is THE only way to live your life happily and healthfully.  If the idea of cutting out grain and dairy and sugar induces anger and defensiveness in you then don't go paleo.... yet.  I encourage you to learn more about it, but don't feel like you have to label Paleo as impossible or crazy just because you aren't ready for it at the moment.  Maybe if Paleo isn't your thing, perhaps "Primal" is.  Maybe just "clean eating".  Or maybe just using a little common sense and eating more REAL food than boxed will work for you.

Two years ago I preached the food pyramid and thought my paleo friends were insane.  Today, I preach Paleo and practically drown anyone who is unfortunate enough to ask with info on this lifestyle.  See... I know I'm crazy!

So here is your take home message.  Nutrition is important.  Food is human fuel.  Can't put diesel in a mini cooper and expect it to run.  Same goes for food and humans.  Food can either be the safest and most pure form of medicine for your body, or it can the slowest form of poison.  Learn, grow, take a vested interest in your own health rather than blindly following what your doctor, mother, friend, or commercials tell you about healthy living.  You are obviously interested in Paleo right now so keep learning.  Read a book about it.  Change if you are ready, or keep the information in the back of your mind for later use if you aren't ready.  Change slowly, change quickly, WHATEVER!  Just learn.  Grow.  Take interest in your health.

But remember this:  Don't beat yourself up for where you are right now and for not changing when you know you "should".  I should eat more veggies.  I should stop buying oreo's.  I should go 100% paleo.  You can "should" all over yourself but it will never change anything.   Quit beating yourself up, and do what you are ready to do and nothing more.  If you are ready to just read blogs, read on.  If you are ready to buy a bag of raw veggies at the store for a snack, buy on.  If you are ready to look for almond butter next to the JIF you usually buy, look on.   Just do what you are ready to do and nothing more, and be hugely proud of yourself for doing those little things that you didn't do yesterday.

Learn.  Grow.  Find what works for you.  And if nothing else, just eat food that looks like food.  Strawberries over Strawberry Special K Bars.  Eggs over Cereal.  Chicken from the meat department vs from a can.  Real fruits.  Real Veggies.  Real Meats/Seafood.  That is it.  If that is as "Paleo" as you ever go you will be reaping 80% of the benefits.

So be happy friends!  Just reading this means you are on your way to a healthier life.  Yay you for not just playing farmville and facebooking online!  Yay you for looking into something new!  Yay you for being awesome at being you!

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