Okay okay, so it wasn't SUPER sassy. I'm sure my husband would agree I've said sassier, but those types of things get under my skin and hopefully my passionate feelings of negative judgement for the general medical practices of this nation didn't make the woman feel badly about trying to help in the only way she probably knew how. See, now I feel bad. Oie... My conscious is too big!
Anyway! I'd like you to ask yourself this: How much medicine do I take on a daily/weekly/monthly basis? How much medicine do I give my children? Is the medicine for chronic (long term) ailments, or for acute (short term)? Are you taking any medication to treat side-effects of other medication?
Now don't get me wrong, I believe that medicine/drugs have a place in this crazy world of ours... but what I believe is that it is a VERY SPECIFIC place. Anyone who has an ailment or disease that medical intervention is absolutely necessary is excluded from this blog post so stop getting all huffy puffy about your personal situation with necessary medication. I'm not talking to you. I do not condemn the use of medication... I condemn the OVER use of medication when it's not solving anything... when it's masking symptoms rather than solving the problem!
U.S. culture today would have you believe that medicine is the CURE. Most of the time guys... IT'S NOT! It is a symptom reducer. It does not fix the actual CAUSE of the problem... rather it minimizes the EFFECTS of the cause. Kapeesh? I've said it once, I'll say it again:
FOOD is the purest form of medicine for our bodies...
and can also be the slowest poison!
Our bodies will "put up with" a lot before finally breaking down. We are truly miraculous beings... but eventually, our bodies can't heal the damage done by the foods we eat day in and day out, and that is when disease occurs. It's a tough lesson to learn because our choices don't affect us now. They may affect us 5 years, 10 years, or even 50 years down the road. We think we are young and invincible, until we're diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure when we are in our 30's. Enter medication!!! Yay! I can still eat ice cream and use my medication to control my broken body!
If we don't eat what happens? We die, right? So eating is a pretty important part of life, wouldn't you say? If food is so important to life why do we treat eating healthy as an option rather than a necessity? Food is what our body runs off of. It is our gasoline. Eating poorly is like trying to surf the internet on dial up. "OH DEAR BABY JESUS JUST LOAD THE DARN PAGE ALREADY!!!!!!!" Its just not that effective. Sure, you can facebook with dial up, but its not going to be very enjoyable. Sure, your body can fuel its cells, repair the damage, and continue working with poor food choices... But it's just not that effective. Eventually you will throw your lap top against the wall and call to upgrade your internet.... Eventually your body will break down and something will manifest (disease/sickness).
So rather than medicate the effects of a problem when it finally manifests... why don't you solve it by putting down the activia, and sugar free ice cream, and eat a darn apple! Start feeding your body properly so that true healing can occur and eventually your medication is no longer required.
Eating Poorly Is Like Using Dial Up Internet
I'll wrap this up... Not convinced eating crap out of a box with added chemicals, fake sugars, and mystery ingredients is bad? Think of it like this: If we don't eat what happens? We die, right? So eating is a pretty important part of life, wouldn't you say? If food is so important to life why do we treat eating healthy as an option rather than a necessity? Food is what our body runs off of. It is our gasoline. Eating poorly is like trying to surf the internet on dial up. "OH DEAR BABY JESUS JUST LOAD THE DARN PAGE ALREADY!!!!!!!" Its just not that effective. Sure, you can facebook with dial up, but its not going to be very enjoyable. Sure, your body can fuel its cells, repair the damage, and continue working with poor food choices... But it's just not that effective. Eventually you will throw your lap top against the wall and call to upgrade your internet.... Eventually your body will break down and something will manifest (disease/sickness).
So rather than medicate the effects of a problem when it finally manifests... why don't you solve it by putting down the activia, and sugar free ice cream, and eat a darn apple! Start feeding your body properly so that true healing can occur and eventually your medication is no longer required.
haha. modified food starch. wtf.