This post is categorized as "random rant". You've been warned.
Pet Peeve #1:
"Poor Mrs Military wife... You have the hardest job in the military"
Oh that saying gets under my skin. Really... Being a military spouse is the "hardest job in the military"? Really? No friend... no it's not. I stay home surrounded (or at least a plane flight away) from my family who can hold me, call me whenever I want, and support me while my husband is living in a shack in 110 degree weather, "hoping" the random mortars that get shot over the base walls don't actually hit anything (aka HIM while he sleeps). I get to hold my child every day (well I will when he is born). Get to celebrate his birthdays. Get to snuggle. And yes, even get to drag him out of the commissary kicking and screaming because I wouldn't buy him cheetos. Even the latter is a blessing in my husbands eyes, because at least I am there!

Yes, I move every 2-3 years. Yes, I have to essentially start from scratch in my career/job every time I move. Yes, I am often far away from my hometown. Yes, the pay doesn't always cover EVERYTHING I could possibly want. Yes, when living on base I usually wake up to the sound of soldiers singing cadence at 5am. Yes, the military is not just a job, but a complete lifestyle. But my "job" as a military spouse doesn't hold a candle to the actual job of military members. I am blessed beyond measure and am so grateful there are men/women that are willing to volunteer to serve our country because frankly, I am too scared to. I am glad they have enough guts, pride, and sense of duty to make the leap into the unknown. My job is not hard. I get to love and support a man I believe in. A man I look up to. A man that loves me enough to sacrifice so many things for me. I am blessed. My job is not hard.
Pet Peeve #2: You're Pregnant!
NOW is the one time in life you can eat whatever you want!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If one more person tells me that I am going to start swinging! When pregnant our bodies are insulin resistant... we are essentially fat storing machines for 9 straight months! AND what we eat directly influences the ENTIRE LIFE of the baby inside us. Maternal nutrition and health has been linked to childrens' body fat throughout life, immune system function throughout life, and emotional/behavioral disorders throughout life. This is NOT the time to eat whatever we want! This is the time to eat only good stuff to 1) not gain a million pounds that we will then have to work years to lose when the baby is out, and 2) give our children the best start in life!
Pet Peeve #3: Oh you're pregnant? Don't run, lift weights, get your heart rate up, bike, row, walk, lunge, or sweat!

Labor/Delivery: It's like giving a person who can't swim (and is quite terrified of the deep end) nine months notice before being pushed into the pool without a lifeguard.... I guarantee that person is going to take those nine months to learn to swim right?!?! Why is labor/deliver so different in our culture? We think pregnancy is an excuse to get lazy and eat junk. Pregnancy is a nine month warning before the
most physically demanding event of your life will happen. Personally, I'm doing anything and everything in my power to prepare for this event (physically, emotionally, spiritually). I couldn't possibly run a marathon without months of training before hand... the same goes for labor!
Very well said my friend!
ReplyDeleteVery well said! All of it, but I have to give you special props on the military wife rant. Our soldiers deserve all the praise! (My ex-soldier:))
ReplyDeleteTHANKS Gals!!!